Llamados a ir “siempre Adelante”
por el Espíritu Santo, los discípulos de
la Misión Basílica San Buenaventura
testifican el amor de Jesús
a través de la oración y el servicio
para promover la unidad
en nuestra comunidad de fe.
Whether you are a newcomer, a visitor, or a long-time parishioner, we warmly welcome you to join us for Mass. Feel free to attend any of our Masses and be sure to greet us when you do!
Monday | 7:30 AM
Tuesday | 7:30 AM
Wednesday | 7:30 AM
Thursday | 7:30 AM
Friday | 8:15 AM
Holy Cross School Mass
First Friday
7:30 AM English
7:30 PM Espanol
5:30 PM English
7:30 PM Español
7:15 AM English
9:00 AM English
10:45 AM Español
12:30 PM English
Saturday | 4:00 PM
Other | By Appointment
Serra Chapel /
Capilla Serra
Monday 6 AM - Thursday 6 AM
Lunes 6 AM a Jueves 6 AM
Fr. Tom Elewaut
At the end of Matthew’s Gospel, we hear Jesus commission His disciples (MT 28: 16-20):
“All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
This is our baptismal identity and calling…to be disciples of the Lord Jesus who is risen from the dead. To help us to remember who we are in Jesus and what we are called
to do, you will see and read new signage in the back of the Basilica and in the foyer of O’Brien Hall.
We are called to be DYNAMIC DISCIPLES.
March 2025
7:15am TE> John Ellingwood (D), Jay Dunlap (D)
9am MJ> Dana Hanson (D), Pablo Masis (D), Misión de Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó Parishioners
10:45am EP> Animas del Purgatorio, Nicolasa y Esperanza Paramo (D/D)
12:30pm EP> Anna Szymkowiak-Chug (L)
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7:30am TE > Esperanza Quezada B-day (L)
7:30am EP> Greg Sandoval (D)
7:30am MJ>Elvira Hernandez (D)
7:30am EP> Jim and Sue Davis (L/L), Paula Gonzalez (D)
8:15am TE>Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Parishioners
10:30am EP> Funeral Maria Plasencia
4pm Confessions
5:30pm TE> Msgr. Michael Jennett (L), Peter Cronk (D)
7:30pm EP> Javier Berber (D), Elena Pulido de Berber (D), Jorge and Maria Garcia (L/L) 39th wedding anniversary, Anthony Terrones (D)
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7:15am MJ> Magdalena and Frank Castaneda (D/D), Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Parishioners
9am TE> Randy Hernandez (L), Michael and David Olivas (D/D), Annalise Mendez (L)
10:45am EP> Jorge Luis Landeros (L), Patricia y Saul Reynoso (D/D)
12:30pm EP> Shirley Kelly (L), Gilbert Romero (D), Ines Laguna (D)
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7:30am EP> Papa Francisco (L) Por su salud, Sunnie Samaniego (D)
7:30am EP> Danielle Evans and Family (L)
7:30am MJ>Ash Wednesday > Rocio Ruiz y Familia (L/D), Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó
9am TE>Ash Wednesday Mass
12pm TE>Ash Wednesday Liturgy of the Word
5:30pm EP>Ash Wednesday > Stacy Galang (L), Manuela Santoyo (L)
7:30pm EP>Spanish Mass Ash Wednesday > Fabiola Hernandez (L), Veronica Nova Morales (L) por su salud
8:45pm EP>Spanish Liturgy of the Word
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7:30am TE> Jorge and Maria Garcia (L/L) (The Heights School visit)
8:15am TE> Estella and Pedro Castaneda (L)
10am EP Irene Hernandez Funeral Mass
7pm Stations of the Cross English
7:45pm Via Crucis
8pm EP>First Friday Adoration Nocturnal Mass > Socorro Gomez (D), Manuela Contreras (D)
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4pm Confessions (Fr. Jorge &Fr Manny?)
5:30pm EP> Rita Moran (L)Gary Brennan (D)
7:30pm EP> Osvaldo and Teresa Galvan (L/L), Alex Vinicio Cardona (D)
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7:15am EP> Jim and Theresa Sullivan (L/L), Souls in Purgatory
9am MJ> Robert and Carolyn Duncan (L/L), Gordon Gannett (D)
10:45am TE> Antony Moctezuma (D), Agustin de Paz (D), Jose de Jesus Hernandez (D)
12:30pm TE> Senaida Ramos (D), Yolanda Betancourt (L), Hayleigh Tinker B-day(L)
7pm Evening Vespers and Adoration
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7:30am TE>Jorge and Claudia Ruiz (L/L)
7:30am TE> Fr. Thomas Elewaut (L)Herado Gonzalez(D)
7:30am MJ> Wayne and Sherry Ann Martin (L/L)
7am Solemn Mass Election of Pope Francis
7:30am TE> Lucas Garcia (L), Victoriano Ruvalcaba (L), Patty Dunavant (L); (B-days for all)
8:15am TE> Franklin Harvey (L), Matilde Garcia B-day(L)
11am TE Funeral Mass Marciano Reynoso
7pm Stations of the Cross English
7:45pm Via Crucis
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10am TE > Funeral Mass Guadalupe Federico Zaragoza
12pm EP > XVra Alondra Lopez
4pm Confessions
5:30pm TE> John Suslek and Eloise Kong (L/L)
7:30pm EP> Claudia Lizette Alpirez (D), Rosa Lucia Alpirez (D), Animas del Purgatorio
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7:15am MJ>Mr. and Mrs. David Brubaker (L/L), Christian and Adileine Rodriguez (L/L)
9am TE> Patricia and Edward Lansberg (L/L), Sister Lillian Sullivan (L)
10:45am EP> Guadalupe Landeros (D), Maria Guadalupe Arroyo (D)
12:30pm EP> Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó Parishioners, Souls in Purgatory
7pm Evening Vespers and Adoration
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7:30am TE>Roselia y Pascuala Herrera (L)
7:30am EP> Elbert Family (L)Herado Gonzalez (D)
7:30am MJ> Cira Hernandez (D), Monica Laguna (L)
7:30am TE> Edward Kutch and Eleen Takekoshi (L/L)
10am EP > Funeral Mass Lizzie Fierros
8:15am EP> Carmen Garcia (D)
7pm Stations of the Cross English
7:45pm Via Crucis
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10am TE/EP Mass and Anointing of the Sick
4pm Confessions
5:30pm TE>Fr. Thomas Elewaut (L)
7:30pm EP> Eduardo and Ana Maria Flores (L/L)Anthony Terrones (D)
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7:15am TE> Fr. Thomas Elewaut (L)
9am MJ> Victor and Charity Fakrogha (L/L), Souls in Purgatory
10:45am EP> Juan y Piedad Gamino (L/L), Guadalupe Landeros (D), Maria Guadalupe Arroyo (D)
12:30pm TE> Victoriano Ruvalcaba Sr. (D), Zeida Flores B-day (L)(YLI Attending)
7pm Evening Vespers and Adoration
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7:30am TE> Cecilia Lau Julie Pham (D), Brandon Joseph Lynn (D)
7:30am > Handmaids (L/L), Mark Tiberion (D)
7:30am MJ> Fr. Eduardo Pruneda (L)
7:30am EP> Patrick and Lisa Brady (L/L), Adaly Rose Garcia (L) B-day
9am HCS confessions
8:15am TE> Genaro Vasquez (L)
7pm Stations of the Cross English
7:45pm Via Crucis
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4pm Confessions
5:30pm EP> Susan Shonty (L), Pat Rivenbark (L b-day), Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Parishioners
7:30pm EP> Juan Valdivia (D), Jose Rangel (D)
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7:15am MJ> Jorge Ruiz (L), Ramon Gascon Sr. (D)
9am TE> Randy Hernandez (L), Jerry Villapando (L), Mission Basilica San Buenaventura Parishioners
10:45am EP> Gudelia Gonzalez (L), Jorge Garcia (L) Por su salud
12:30pm TE> Victoria Stiffler (L), Sister Rita Mary Burnham RSM (D)
7pm Bishop Slawomir>Evening Vespers and Adoration
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7am Mission Foundation March 31, 1782 Plenary Indulgence granted
7:30am TE> Familia De la Torre Leon (D)
7:30am EP> Lawrence and Shannon Culp (L/L)
7:30am MJ> Erik Vasquez (L), Maria Guadalupe Bonilla (L) Por sus necesidades
7:30am TE> Familia Flores (L) Por su salud, Misión Nuestra Señora de Loreto Conchó Parishioners
8:15am EP> David Vasquez (L)
7pm Stations of the Cross English
7:45pm Via Crucis
8pm > First Friday Adoracion Nocturna Mass > Familia Gutierrez (L)
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11am Mass 11:00 PM Pilgrimage-Tour-Mass St Robert Bellarmine
4pm Confessions
5:30pm TE> Elijah Tellez b-day (L), Cecilia Lau Julie Pham (D)
7:30pm EP> Hector and Avelina Bizarro (L/L), Leocadio Carlos Lopez (D), Jean Carlos Diaz (D)
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